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Please help my 2 rabbits!

22 10:04:19

Hello Dana, I have 2 rabbits, the female is Fifi and the male is Fluffy. Fluffy is a lion headed Dwarf and Fifi is a Netherland Dwarf. Fluffy ha been castrated over 5 months ago. When I put him with Fifi today, they tried having sex together! Before I got Fluffy castrated, the vet actually informed me and said that they will never have sex again. The vet has lied, before their doing it, move than ever before! Please help me.... I've asked may vets about my problem, but they have just said that ther playing and will eventually stop. I know that is not right because they have been toether for over 2 months, spending 3 quarters of their time having sex. Please help me Dana.... If you do, trust me, I will be over the moon! I will be so happy, that I will have no space on my face for the gigantic smile! But if you can't help me.... Then I'll just have to give one of them up.... I will probably never stop crying. So please....

Yours sincerely,
Pamela Traba
P.S. Please help me! Thank you if you do!  

Dear Pamla,

If Fifi is not spayed, she will accept the male's advances, and he will try to mate with her, even if he is neutered.  And why would you consider giving one of them up, just because they are enjoying themselves?  That would be very cruel, as they are obviously strongly bonded.  

If you want the bunnies to grieve themselves to death, then separate them.  But if you love them both, then you must do the right thing and work through this.  And if they keep having sex, then realize this will diminish as they get older.  In the meantime, just avert your eyes (if you must) and be happy that they are enjoying each other so much!  But whatever you do, DO NOT separate them.  That would be unspeakably cruel, if the female is consenting to the sex.

Mounting behavior is not just sexual in rabbits.  It is a display of dominance, and this will gradually subside once one of the bunnies is dominant and loses interest in exerting it so obviously.  Like all "married couples", they will eventually become used to each other and stop humping so madly.  But it's actually not bad that they are doing it now, as this will make their bond stronger.  Don't be surprised if the female becomes cranky, though, since she will likely have a false pregnancy from all this stress.  That means she'll become grouchy, but eventually build a nest and become all cuddly and sexy again.  And then the cycle will repeat.  So spaying her is very important, especially because unspayed females have a very high risk of uterine cancer.

Find a good rabbit vet here, whom you can trust:

and have the exam done so this can be done ASAP.  Also read the articles here:

in case the going gets rough, and the female starts violently objecting to the male's behavior.  But he should stop doing this as soon as the novelty of his mate wears off.  If not...well, what's the big deal, really?  They're buns, not nuns, and they are just doing what comes naturally.  :)

Hope this helps.
