Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > baby bunny is biting , showing aggression

baby bunny is biting , showing aggression

22 11:20:10

i got 2 bunnies from the best store that are about 8 weeks old and the one bunny is showing signs of agression already not towards the other bunny but towards us, she is bting us, is it nibbling or is she showing signs of aggresion at a very young age please help...

Dear Shannon,

Whether this is aggresssion or some other form of communication depends on exactly how she's doing the biting.  Please write back and answer the following:

1. Does she bite when being held?

2. Does she lunge at you when you reach for her, batting with her paws and/or growling?

3.  Does she act aggressive or fearful when you reach into her cage to pick her up?

4.  Does her biting consist of a "chewing" type motion, or are these sudden, hard bites that seem to be an attempt to inflict a real wound?

Eight weeks is awfully young for a bunny to show true aggression.  So if you can answer these questions and provide other information about exactly what circumstances make her bite, and exactly *how* she bites, I'll be better able to help you.
