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Poorly 9 year bunny, please help

22 9:44:56


I have a 9 year old male indoor rabbit who for the last 2 weeks has been really poorly. He started being hugely lethargic, completely off his food, eye infection and grinding his teeth. He had a week of antibiotics and eye drops, he also had all the puss flushed (while awake) from his eyes and has lost a huge amount of weight. In the last 3 days his eyes have got better and has not been so lethargic but only in the last 2 days he's started eating small amounts and is slightly better in himself. However last night he started coughing and bringing up clear fluid, I took him to the vets who said he had something stuck in his throat and 2 minutes later coughed up poo. The vet (who is allergic to rabbits..) said he needs to stop eating his poo and that I have to clean his bottom every half hour even though I was it everyday. It has happened 4 times since last night but now he is drooling excessively, its puddling he's drooling so much. I know he's 9 and his teeth aren't in the best condition (he has had teeth problems since he was 3 and had a few removed 2 years ago) but she basically told me I'd have to put him to sleep. I really don't agree, she really didn't seem interested in him because he's a rabbit but he's like a baby to me. He lives in the kitchen and although he has a hutch he sleeps in a bed in the kitchen and is out all day. I have an appointment with a different vet on Monday but because of the excessive drooling I don't know if I should take him down sooner or wait till Monday? He's eating not too bad now tonight, drinking normally, normal droppings and more himself than what he's been for weeks. Please can you give me advice on what I should do and what you think might be causing the excessive drooling? I wasn't happy about stopping him from eating his droppings as I know he should be eating them especially when ill, should I try and stop him?

Many, many thanks

hi Samantha you have a very old rabbit that is very ill, just keep him warm and comfortable and yes stop him eating the poo .
go see another vet on Monday, but i do not think the outlook is very good, not sure why he's drooling but it must be something internal.
sorry i,m not much help but lets hope for the best