Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > severe shedding

severe shedding

22 11:15:49

Our holland lop has been doing some serious shedding for about 3
months now (note: we live in Hawaii).  He seems to have clumps of
hair falling around the perimeter of his body.  He is usually very
sweet tempered, but in the pasts couple days when I try to groom
him, he nips.  He is eating and playing well and is generally still
good temepred unless being groomed.   I haven't noticed any
scales or anything on his skin or any bald spots.   We've had him
for 3 years and he has never shed like this before.  But then again,
this is also our first summer without A/C so maybe this is normal.  
Any help would be great.  Thank you!!

Many bunnies are doing very major and prolonged shedding this summer, it must be the heat.  Do you groom him by plucking the fur or using a brush?  It could be that the brush is hurting his skin.

If you are using a metal comb or brush, you could try plastic instead.  Or try plucking instead of combing.  He just may be tired of it too and this is his way of telling you.

Bunnies generally shed 3-4 times a year, but this summer they all seem to look like giant poofballs with the fur shedding everywhere.
