Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > unknown parisite

unknown parisite

22 11:15:50

We have four 6 week old bunnies unsure on the type of breed. Just recently we noticed that they were scratching and nibbling/licking their neck and sides so when we looked there was a small lump that looked like a large black head. when i put pressure on the lump you could feel movement under the skin. i was able to grab hold of what looked like the backend of it with twezers and pull it out. It looked some what like a slug, it left a small hole in the skin with a large amont of puss, however there was no blood or any signs of blood. We were wondering what they are and if humans can get them or our other animals cat,dog and other rabbits. thank you for your time.

Yes, I know what those are.  They are are type of fly larva, and the flies lay the eggs on the animal and then burrow under the skin.  I don't know that dogs and cats usually get them, but you don't see humans with them in this country anyway.

There's more information on them at

Try to keep the rabbits in a clean and dry environment so that these critters stay away from them.
