Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Rabbit acting different?

Rabbit acting different?

22 9:54:55

QUESTION: Hi, I recently found out that my rabbit has fleas. I immediately went to the vet and bought Revolution after doing a lot of research saying that Revolution is the best and safest choice for rabbits. I applied it about 6 days ago and seemed to be working fine in killing the fleas. Today when I let him out, he seemed different from usual; he is usually always very hyper and always following me around, which he still did today, but he seemed much more subdued than normal. He is eating fine, drinking fine, and would seem completely normal to a person that just saw him. However myself as well as my mom can tell that he is acting differently. He lies down more than usual, which is something is almost never does when I let him out to play.
Please help me out and tell me if there's anything wrong with him or if it's a normal effect from flea medication.

Thanks so much,

ANSWER: Dear Eileen,

I have never seen this type of reaction to Revolution, so it could well be something else.  Please see:

and, if necessary, find a good rabbit vet here:

You are a wise and attentive bunny "mom" to be concerned if bunny is "not quite right."  They don't broadcast when they're not feeling well, and you are well attuned to him.  Don't ignore your instinct.

Hope this helps.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Rabbit scab
Rabbit scab  
QUESTION: Thanks for your very quick reply! I'm partially glad that it isn't caused by Revolution, but now I'm even more worried. I checked the link and none of those symptoms match my rabbit. He still loves his treats, is eating properly, ect. Do you think it could be something very serious, or (as my parents thought), could it be that he's been bitten by so many fleas it could have an effect on his mood? He's usually hopping with excitement when he sees me, but now he just looks up and stares. This is very, very strange behavior for him, and honestly, it is scaring me. I also discovered a large red scab on his head with fur missing around it. (picture attached, apologies for the quality)Is this the work of the fleas, or something else?

Thank you once again for your quick and informative reply, I hope you can clear up some questions I still have.


Dear Eileen,

Please get him back to the vet and have the vet check to see if bun is anemic. A severe flea infestation can cause dangerous anemia.  It's good that he's now been treated, but he may need supportive care if his blood has really been tapped.

From what little I can see of his skin in the picture, it looks nice and pink. So this might not be the problem.  But do have the vet give him a full wellness check, possibly with a blood draw to be sure all is well.  Ask about pain medication, in case the flea bites are causing him misery.

But his behavior is not normal, and it's time to get him to a good rabbit vet to see what's going on.  Please read:

and find a vet here:

I hope this helps.
