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Rabbit fits

22 9:51:35

Need urgent information and advise about my week old blue eyed white lop! I've only had her s few days and on the second day of me having her she started fitting. She ran around the room with no sense of direction into furniture, then lay on her side shaking. After the first fit I picked her up to make sure she was ok and comfort her. I couldn't see any sign that she had hurt herself, other than bloodshot eyes. She was fine for about 20minuets and then she did it again, and for a third time. All with 20 or so mins between. Since then had been fine she found a dark corner in my bathroom to hide in. She's been eating normally and pooing and urinating normally. She seems a bit timid at the moment and doesn't want to be touched yet she's happy to come and say hello by pushing her nose on you and bringing ocher her dandylion leafs and puts them next to me! Would like some peace of mind & help on why this would happen and some advice on what to do next time!

hi katherine fitting is usually down to to much inbreeding which can may crazy rabbits -inbreeding is when the father mates with daughters and mothers mate with sons -you can do it once but its still a risk.
have a vet check the rabbit as it may need some tablets to steady the fitting down.