Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Unformed dropping and raisins!

Unformed dropping and raisins!

22 11:20:44

Dear Dr Dana,

I got two new rabbits last weekend. I don't know how exactly old
they are, but they seem about 12 weeks. (Luckily, I couldn't find
a rabbit needing re-homing in my area). They are both lop-ear
drawfs. One is very lively and sociable. The other (Huxley) is still
sociable, but more the quiet type.

Just today and yesterday Huxley has been exhibiting unusual
poo habits. She's not eating the cecotropes and the fecal
droppings are soft, unformed, sausage-shaped and up to an
inch long.

Because I don't know Huxley very well yet, I can't judge if she is
out of sorts, she doesn't seem to be - she seems alert and
inquisitive, just a bit shy.

Also, my boyfriend misunderstood feeding instructions the night
before last and gave Huxley far too many raisins - I give her a
maximum of four a day to help her bond with me. (The other
rabbit prefers broccoli as her treat). Are raisins an OK treat if
strictly limited? I think Huxley may have ended up with a dozen
or more. Is this what has caused her toilet trouble? Will she
regain her intestinal equilibrium unaided, or is a trip to the vet

The rabbits had bonded before I bought them, so I'm sure this
isn't the issue. I believe they are from the same litter. If this is
the case, will they be quite a stongly bonded pair? When they
reach maturity, might they start to fight until I get them spayed?
Will it be obvious to know when the time has come? Is sexual
maturity the point at which I should consider them adults and
begin to change their diets?

Also, where can I get information on the best surgical/
anaesthetic techniques for spaying? I want to make sure my vet
doesn't put my rabbits under any undue stress - most vets
round here do sheep!

Thank you so much for your help. Huxley is happily munching
hay with me in the lounge while we wait to find out if she's sick!

Sorry if I am bothering you unnecessarily,


Dear Sarah,

The mushy/soft poop you describe sounds like either an overproduction of cecotropes, or possibly cecal dysbiosis from getting too much sugar.  You can read more about this here:

If she's happily eating her hay now, then she'll probably be fine.  But if the condition doesn't resolve in the next day or so, it would be good to get the bunnies to a good rabbit vet for a full check up.  You can find a good rabbit vet here:

if you're in the U.S.  If you're outside the U.S., please let me know where you are, and I may be able to help with a referral.

It sounds as if you already know about healthy rabbit diet, but this might help, too:

and here is some information about spay/neuter:

You can find all the latest rabbit health and care information at:


Hope that helps.  Please write back if you have any other questions.
