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difficult in urination and blood in urine

22 9:39:49

Dear Cat,

My 10 years old, male rabbit have blood in urine(true hematuria, not food colour)yesterday morning. In the afternoon the colour of the urine have become normal again. His other symptom include difficult in urination(urine in small amount and it seem forcing himself to urinate) and wet bottom. he still have good appitite and still grooming his mate. Last year April he had head tilt with suspicious of e.cuniculi and was treated with tetracycline and monthly dose of selamectin.

I hope i have a few opinion before i bring my bunny to vet which  will open tomorrow and i dont expect vet in my country to have culture, blood test, urine test or imaging for rabbit because we dont have those facility.....

Please tell me the diagnosis base on ur experiance and tell he how to differentiate those list of diagnosis you made and the treatment and prognosis.

thank you

Hi Sue
Sorry for the delay in reply, I didn't receive the original notification email for some reason.

How is the rabbit doing now? Sadly blood in the urine is very serious and really there's nothing I can do via the internet. A vet examination really is a must. Blood could indicate bladder or kidney infections, urinary tract infections and, sadly, it could also indicate cancer. The only way to tell the difference is by tests, manipulating the tummy and x-rays. I am not a vet and am on the wrong side of the planet so sadly all I can offer are guesses as to the cause.

Sorry I cannot be of more help! Hoping your vet will be able to clarify matters.

Kind regards