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Rabbit grinding his teeth

22 9:39:50

Hello Dr. Krempels,

I was petting my rabbit gently today when his happy teeth chattering suddenly turned very loud and violent. He got up immediately and frantically started washing his mouth, grinding his teeth very loudly at the same time (in a chewing motion). He wouldn't let me hold his face still or pet him. He stopped washing his face after a few minutes, and went to eat hay. When he was not eat his hay though, he kept on grinding his teeth fairly loudly every ~5 seconds.  After ~15 minutes, he stopped grinding his teeth. He is not lethargic, and eating (veggies, pellets, and hay), pooping, and urinating well. What could have caused this episode? Is it likely that one of his teeth might have broken off (the ones that I can check - his two front incisors - seem okay)?

Dear Bo,

It sounds as if something in his mouth suddenly was painful.  If this continues, please get him to a rabbit-savvy vet, but read this first:

so you'll know to ask about dental problems.

I hope he's fine now.
