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Floppy ear tips

22 9:39:49

I have a a dutch/dutch mix rabbit who is around 8 weeks old. She is a rescue and her breed and actual age is unknown. Since I have had her the tips of her ears have been a bit floppy. But today I notices that her left ear tip is very floppy. Her ears are quite large for her body. She doesn't mess with it other than when she is grooming and she hasn't injured it that I can tell. What could cause this?

Dear Robbie,

If your bunny is a Dutch mix, then it's possible some of her heritage is lop.  Six to eight weeks is about the age when the ears start to droop in lop rabbits.  But since she's not "pure" lop, she might be a "unicorn" bunny (only one ear lopped) or a "helicopter" bunny (both ears lop, but not all the way down.

If she shows no sign of ear infection, then that's probably what it is.  But if she shows any sign of irritation, get her to a good rabbit vet for a look into the ears to be sure this isn't an incipient ear infection or ear mites:

Hope this helps.
