Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Portion of tail shedded to skin

Portion of tail shedded to skin

22 11:37:42


we have a white rex.  She's about 3 years old.  We just noticed that a portion of her tail is completley hairless, showing pink.  There is hair at the very end of her tail...kind of like a manicured "poodle tail".  She appears to be eating okay and has droppings both in the litter box and in the cage.  The droppings seem to indicate good health.  

Dear Ed,

The fur loss could be due to any of several things, but the most common cause is mites.  These are easily treated, but you need to be sure to use rabbit-safe medication.  Of these, Revolution is the best.  Please read:

I hope this helps, but please write back if you have any other questions.
