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my angora rabbit

22 10:07:06

Hi my name is Gina.  I have a 6 year old white haired Angora rabbit.  He does stay in the house in his rabbit home/cage.  I comb his hair regularly, but lately his skin has a thick white/cream colored dandruff layer.  It flakes off with combing of his hair, but he is also losing his hair in this area which covers his back.  Is there anything that I can do?  Nothing has changed in his diet.  I feed him a rabbit pellet mixture plus Timothy hay.  He has a salt ring and fresh water at all times.  He is in no kind of distress.  He loves running around and is playful.  His hair/skin is a major issue.  I thought I would do some research for help on my own first and then if I need to I will take him to the Vet.  Thank you for your help!!


anytime there is something abnormal going on with a pet rabbit, that is not easily explained and known not to be a problem, you need to get him in to the vet.  Hair loss can be for a number of reasons, and you don't want the condition to get worse or life-threatening.

The key is going to a good rabbit vet, not all vets are. To get the best treatment, faster than non-rabbit vets can figure it out, for the least cost, rabbit vets are the best.  If you don't have one, go here:

to find a House Rabbit Society recommended vet near you.