Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > 6 weeks old rabbit shivering

6 weeks old rabbit shivering

22 9:58:05

Hello there, my family have just bought a baby angora a few days back. we have noticed that it keeps "shivering/vibrating" throughout it's body continually (somewhat like when it's breathing and her body goes up and down continually). However, she still eats a lot of her pellets and consumes a lot of water, sometimes hoping around but it likes too squeeze in between spaces and lie down between the gaps. I wonder if it's normal for it shiver like that or should i bring it to a vet for a check up? Please advice, thank you very much.

Dear Varina,

Baby rabbits will breathe very rapidly, especially if it's hot.  Bunnies need a cool refuge, and if you are in a hot area, be sure to provide a frozen water bottle for her to lie against (wrap it in a towel).

But as babies, rabbits have a very fast metabolism, and that means they use a lot of oxygen.  I can't see the bunny to be sure of what you are describing, but you could just be witnessing his extremely rapid panting.

For all the best, most accurate information on how to care for your new pal, please visit:

Lots to learn, and now's the time!

Hope this helps.
