Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > rabbits feet are urine stained

rabbits feet are urine stained

22 9:58:05

I've heard that there are ways to get urine stains of the rabbit but, never heard how. I would just leave it on there but my buck is a number one show rabbit and I will get docked points.

Thank You!

Dear Natashia,

I know of no *safe* way to clean urine stains off a bunny's feet.  The fur on the bottoms of the feet *normally* get discolored from the bunny's walking around, and the only way to stop this would be to prevent the bunny from walking around, which would be unspeakably cruel, of course.

Rabbit shows are stressful and potentially dangerous for rabbits, and most of the incidences of
Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease in the U.S. can be traced back to rabbit shows.  If you love your bunny, worry less about the appearance of his feet and more about his psychological and physical welfare:  keep him home safe with you, lounging in the house with all his treats and being spoiled as a good rabbit should be.

For all the best information on caring for your bunny, please see:

Hope this helps.
