Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Is it broken? And if so, what can be done?

Is it broken? And if so, what can be done?

22 10:28:20

My roommates rabbit was running around to get exercise and has always been a bit jumpy and nervous with a thumping foot before it runs, but the dog came into the room and the rabbit got very scared and started running when the dog attempted to just smell him, and all the sudden the rabbit was screaming within a few seconds and its foot to its next joint was just hanging. He definately cant walk on it and I can tell that he is still able to control the hip above it but the rest seems completely detached. I just what to know exactly whats going on here and what can be done to help him. i know taking him to the vet immediately is the first step but do you know what answers we should be expecting from the vet? And did his thumping foot may have contributed to this injury?

hello helene

the poor bunny must have been so frightened. all rabbits get very scared and sometimes over just a noice.

Rabbits thump their foot because their either scared or they do it as a warning, to let people know not to bother them. The screaming indicates that the rabbit is in alot of pain. You have to go and see your vet asap it may be that they can just put the joint back into its place(like when someone pulls their shoulder, and has to be clicked back in) or they may have to operate if left for a long while

try not to let the dog in the same room with her again as it has been known that when a rabbit gets very very frightened they can have a heart attack and even die.

hope this helps

good luck
