Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > 2yr minirex bunnie

2yr minirex bunnie

22 10:27:29

shes always been healthy, i noticed blood in her urine? her poo is normal, eating and drinking ok, doesn't act like shes in pain (no crying or noise when picking up or touching "peepee" area???dont know what to call it,sorry.   please help

Hi Valerie,

there are many things that can color urine orange to red.  Generally natural dyes in wood toys (plant-derived) and the various plant material she eats can affect urine color.  Often when an animal actually is passing blood in their urine, it is in such small amounts that it is visibly undetectable.

However, if you want ot be on the safe side, take her to a good rabbit vet and have her examined.  Especially if she hasn't had a wellness exam in awhile.  And also if she has never been spayed.  If she has not been spayed it would be good to discuss getting her spayed in order to prevent unnecessary premature death of her from uterine cancer (only have an excellent rabbit vet do this - not all vets are).

The key is to go to a good rabbit vet.  Start here if you don't have one:

and find a House Rabbit Society recommended vet near you.

(And generally you can refer to that area as a rabbit's "vent area".)
