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Small skin-tag-like growths on rabbits face

22 11:20:21

We have a 6 month old female dwarf rabbit. She is currently being treated for an upper respiratory infection (Baytril). While we were trying to clean debris off her nose, we felt a couple of small bumps under the fur of her snout. They feel like little cylinder of fur covered skin. I think she may also have a couple on the very tip of her nose. Are these abcesses? Should we take her back to the vet or will the Baytril clear this up?
Thanks in advance,
Laurel (and Bunnicula)

Dear Laurel,

If they are small abscesses, then whether or not the Baytril will cure them depends on the sensitivity of the bacteria causing the abscesses:

Since I can't see the lesions, I can't make a guess about what they are.  They could be abscesses, papillomas (warts), fibromas, or a number of other things.  So if you are concerned, then please get her to a good rabbit vet:

so the vet can examine and diagnose the problem (if it is one) and prescribe appropriate treatment.

I hope this helps.
