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shaking while resting

22 10:20:32


Hi Dana,
You may remember me--you were so helpful when my (same rabbit in this case) had suddenly stopped blinking in one eye...well thousands of dollars and sonograms later...we ended up just having me lube the eye and wait for nerves to mend. They never have and I am helping my bun out with moisture for that eye everyday. No ulceration, a bit grey and cloudy but the eye is pink and healthy so no need to remove at this point.

However, she had a runny nose for a while and I was asked if I wanted to start putting her on antibiotics or wait. I chose to wait and the discharge has cleared up. Let me say that her behavior and appetite as well as fecal are normal.
She is- while resting- vibrating.  It was pretty hot here in NY over the summer and I thought perhaps she is exhausting excess heat. But, it has cooled down and she is still vibrating like this. I read perhaps she has a fever...that the discharge in the nose has just relocated...Im taking her in tomorrow.  I have cut back on her pellets to a 1/4 of a cup per day and increased her hay. She is starting to show a bit of weight loss...Im afraid it maybe rapid weight loss. I have just given her a healthy dosage of critical care and now she is sitting relaxed(actually now a little less vibration). Can you give me some advice. The normal vet doc is not going to be there but I thought if we are trying to determine if she is feverish(fighting infection) we could ascertain this together. Can you give me some questions to ask the vet, things I havent considered?

Thanks, as always,
Carina Cid

I believe you have emailed the wrong expert on this question, I really do think Dana needs to be the one to answer this as I have not ever had any experience with this kind of issue before and it sounds as if it Dana has a better understanding of what your rabbit has went through.

Good Luck