Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Found a nest - assume they are bunnies - not sure

Found a nest - assume they are bunnies - not sure

22 9:51:06

One of our cats discovered a nest in our garden area. I put the babies back in the nest and covered it as best I could with leaves and the mothers fur. I've been reading about wild rabbits on your web site, so I'm hoping the mother will come back.  

My concern though, is are they bunnies or something else. What does a new born bunny look like? Do they have fur? These 3 or 4 little guys are about 2-3 inches long, 4 little paws/legs, and no fur. Does this sound like new born baby rabbits?

Thank you very much

Dear Edie,

A picture would help, but these do sound like cottontails.  I hope the cat did not injure them, as even a tiny scratch or bite from a cat can cause fatal infections in baby rabbits.

Here are some pictures for comparison:

Hope they do fine, and that you can keep the cat away from them until they are big enough to run away and defend themselves.

Good luck,
