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Rabbits molting

22 10:44:42

I havwe three rabbits that are molting now and two are in a heavy molt is there anything i can do to move along the molt alot faster.That they can be ready in about a week for showing. I;m already doing the brushing and getting my hands wet and rubbing their fur and i'm going to worm them today. Is there anything i can do please help!?

Dear Jalynn,

Unfortunately, there's nothing you can do to make the shedding cycle go faster.  It's controlled metabolically and responds to both temperature and day length.  Once the cycle has started, all you can do is groom them well, keep them eating plenty of fresh grass hay and fresh, wet greens, and provide lots of clean drinking water.

Nature will take its course.  Whether it will be in time for the show, it's too soon to tell.  

Good luck!
