Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Coccidiosis


22 9:51:06

I am a rabbit breeder and recently upon obtaining a new rabbit almost all of my rabbits have caught it. I have a good medicine that's working but some of my rabbits are still coming down with it. I know that alot of the transmission has to do with the oocysts in the feces. I have bleached, burned, and lymed the ground that is under the cages (my cages sit off the ground by about 3ft). So I am very perplexed at why it is still getting transmitted. I have also bleached the cages and water bottles. Is there anything else I can do?

Dear Camellia,

Once coccidial spores are in the environment, it is nearly impossible to get rid of them.  All it takes is a little pocket that's missed, and you have a nidus for reinfection.

It is possible, also, that the coccidia are becoming resistant to the medication.  You might want to try Baycox (5% toltrazuril sulfate), which works well and is now available in the U.S.
