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Rabbit off her dry food

22 9:51:12

Hi i was wondering if you could help me, i have a flemish/continental cross female house rabbit, she is 16 months old and usually her bubbly cheeky self but i have noticed the past few days she is hardly touching her dry food (rabbit Royale) yet she is eating her greens and grazing outside, she is passing urine and feaces ok but she also seems a bit down in the dumps. think she had a phantom pregnancy a few weeks ago because she was burrowing like mad, could it be something to do with that? i dont know, could you help mw please?

Dear Rachael,

If she is having false pregnancies, it's time for her to be spayed for her health and longevity.  Unspayed female rabbits have a very high risk of uterine cancer and other reproduction-related ailments.  Spaying will prevent this and improve her overall health and stress levels.

Another thing to check when you're at the vet is her molars.  Please see:

Even a slight change in eating habits can signify trouble with the teeth, and every rabbit reacts differently to the pain of these spurs.  You need a rabbit-savvy vet who really knows what to look for, and I hope you can find one via the international listings here:

Hope this helps.
