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My rabbit is unable to walk

22 11:12:17

Vet gave me injection for pneumonia for my rabbit.She was ill all this week and it just came about suddenly over night.She has no use of her legs now.What should i do to help her? Willshe ever be able towalk? She is eating ok but is not able to moe her lower body.

This is a serious condition. It could have been caused by improper vacinations, like placement. Did you give her shot to her in the back of the neck? This should have been where she got it. You may have hit a nerve and it is causing her to loose movement. You should have your vet check her out. Also if she kicked when you gave her the shot, she may have injured her back. RAbbits have a very strong kick, and they can injure themselves by kicking too hard against a hard surface or in the air.