Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > My female 4 month old rabbit continuosly urinates only on me

My female 4 month old rabbit continuosly urinates only on me

22 9:44:26

I have a female rabbit. My boyfriend and I have had her since she was six weeks old. She is very lovable very sweet and also stubborn. She follows me around and lays in my lap on her back all of the time. I am crazy about her but for some reason she pees on me at least twice a day. she will literally get on my lap to pee. she also pees on my clothes and on my side of the bed. what can i do?????

Hi Jennifer,

Is she spayed?  Sometimes rabbits that are not fixed will urinate on certain things to claim them as their own.  About the only thing you can do is have her fixed and confine her to her cage until she is completely litter trained.

I wish there was a simple answer but honestly this is not an easy fix.

Good luck
