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Urinary Problem

22 10:40:13

Our male house rabbit is 3 years old, and since litter trained, has not urinated outside his cage.  He has always spent several hours outside the cage each day, usually under our computer desk.  For the last 6 months or so, he has started to urinate under the desk.  Is there anything I can do?  It is happening more and more frequently.  
Thank you!

Hi Lori,

the simple solution is to place a litterbox there.  This should take care of the problem.  I do know that some rabbits only use the litterpan in their house, but most use one or more outside their house.  Over time rabbits tastes and behaviors can change.  Maybe he's finally figured out that he can go somewhere other than his house.  Over the years several of my guys have changed habits - locations, where they go, etc.  

What I do for my outside the cage pans is get a small rug or towel, put that down and then put the box over that in the spot they go the most in that area.  If it's near a wall you may want to put the pan next to the wall so that things don't dribble over the edge.  You will want to clean the area first before you do any of this to get rid of odor and staining.

He's a real young boy and this isn't an old age thing.  Unless you're feeding him stuff way to high in calcium (like lots of alfalfa hay, lots of spinach, etc) he shouldn't be building up calcium in his bladder or kidneys.  If you have take him in to the vet for an xray, they will show up as stones or bladder sludge.
