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spayed rabbit being aggressive and pulling her fur out

22 10:35:55

Hi. i have a rex rabbit who will be one in about two weeks time, she was spayed back in may 2007. over the past month her behavior has changed slowly, when in her hutch she is very aggressive growls alot and punches the air at you. Two days ago i went to feed her and upon checking in her nest box i have found alot of fur, not from her dewlap but from her body. The clumps are quite large and thick. she has no noticeable bald patches at the moment but i am quite worried that if  she carries on like this she will end up bald.

can you please help me with why she might be doing this and if it is cause for concern?

Kind regards


Dear Erica,

Your bunny is showing all the signs of a false pregnancy. This leads me to wonder if any uterine or ovarian tissue was left behind during the spay, since this would be very unusual for a  spayed rabbit.

Adrenal tumors also can wreak havoc with a bunny's hormones, so I think a visit to a very rabbit-savvy vet is in order, to find out if a blood work profile can be done to determine if she has an imbalance somewhere.  You can find a good vet here:

I hope this helps.
