Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Eye infection?

Eye infection?

22 10:14:23

QUESTION: My four month old rex rabbit, Daisy, may have an eye infection. I say "may" because her partner, Dexter, spends a lot of time cleaning around her eye, and so evidence of discharge is nonexistent - her cheeks are dry. Either Dexter does a superb job at cleaning away the discharge, or there is none (probably more likely, considering they are not together 24/7). I have noticed that Dexter seems to be pulling fur out around her eye, so there is now a bald patch encircling her upper eyelid (no open wounds though). The corner of her eyes also appear a dark red, not the usual pinkish colour. There are no signs of inflammation, but I suspect the eyes are bothering her, as she actively seeks out Dexter's vigorous grooming attentions - sometimes it looks like Dexter is "eating" her eye.

Could this be signs of an eye infection? Eye infections are usually contagious, but Dexter shows no signs of any eye problems.

Thank you for your advice!

ANSWER: Dear Melissa,

Daisy is lucky to have such an attentive mate, even if he seems to be overgrooming her.  And don't worry.  This is not contagious.  It is most likely being caused by a blocked tear duct, which can result from several things including cellular/bacterial debris to tooth root intrusion, pinching off the duct.

Please see:

and find a good rabbit vet here:

Always take both members of a bonded pair to the vet together; they need the company and the moral support.  

Hope this helps!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Dear Dana,

After reading your comments, I have a suspicion that Daisy's eyes are probably irritated by sawdust - we have a "workshop" in a corner of the yard where a substantial amount of sawdust is produced and remains. This area seems to be a particular favorite of Daisy's (albeit when it's not in use). Could sawdust be the culprit for her woes?

Can her eyes be flushed at home with some sort of sterile solution or eye drops? Or will the irritation clear up once she is no longer exposed to the sawdust? I'd like to take care of such a minor problem at home, in a familiar environment, as she tends to become extremely agitated in unfamiliar environments (to the point of becoming completely catatonic with fear).

Once again, thank you for your advice.

Dear Melissa,

No way to know for sure if the sawdust is the culprit without removing her from the saw-dusty area and seeing if the condition improves.

You can rinse her eyes gently with sterile saline (NOT contact lens cleaning solution--which is usually on the same shelf and often in very similar packaging!) ophthalmic solution.  I'd warm it slightly in the microwave, shake and test on the inside of your arm to be sure it's just a little bit warm.  Cold liquid in the eye is very uncomfortable, and you'll have better results if you warm the solution first.  

If you eventually do have to take her to the vet, ask the vet about giving her a little bit of diazepam (=Valium) about an hour before the trip.  She'll be a different bunny, and the trip will not traumatize her, especially if her mate comes along for the ride.

Hope this helps.
