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2 Males in Cohabitation

22 11:37:17

My wife and I bought our first rabbit about 9 mos ago. He's been great, so yesterday, we decided to buy another male. The new male is smaller (a dwarf). After placing the new rabbit in the extra large cage we just bought, our older rabbit was trying to breed with him.
We were wondering if this is normal, and if there is anything that we need to know about 2 males cohabitating in the same cage?

Thanks you,
 Tom & Deanna

Yes, this would be normal.  Are either of them neutered?  If not, getting them neutered will stop this behavior.  

If he is neutered, then he is just trying to establish his dominance and will stop when the other rabbit accepts that he is the dominant rabbit.

As long as they get along together, this isn't anything to worry about.
