Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > how to tell if my rabbit is pregnant

how to tell if my rabbit is pregnant

22 10:47:50

How do i tell if my rabbit is pregnant ? she is only about 3 and a half months old but she is acting strange. I found out already that rabbits pull out their fur to line their nests and my rabbit is doing this.
I need to know how to determine if my rabbit is pregnant or not because if she is then i want to make sure that the babies are okay.

Hi Amy,

it is rare females get pregnant at 3 1/2 months.  Generally they don't reach sexual maturity until 4-6 months.  She probably has hit sexual maturity and her hormone levels are higher now.  Her behavior will change - she will probably be more cage aggressive.

If she has been with an unneutered male and she's hit sexual maturity, she could be pregnant, but her behavior is more like she's been pregnant for awhile, which isn't possible given her age.

She can't be pregnant if she hasn't been around an intact male.  
