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rabbit: circling and eyes moving

22 10:17:13

hello my rabbit is shaking and moving in circles and his eyes are moving back and forth really fast whats wrong with him

Dear Crystal,

Your bunny may have the same problem that causes head tilt in rabbits, even if his head is not tilted over.  The eyes moving side to side is known as nystagmus, and it is a sign of dizziness/vertigo that can accompany things like an inner ear infection or infection with a parasite known as Encephalitozoon cuniculi.  There are several possible causes for this problem, and each requires its own specific veterinary treatment and medication.  Please read:


and *immediately* find a good rabbit vet who can help with the proper diagnosis and medication to get your bunny on the road to recovery.  Healing this can take time, but do not give up.  It can be cured.
But prompt, aggressive treatment are critical here, so waste no time in getting your bunny to a good rabbit vet.

Find a good rabbit vet here:

I hope this helps.
