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Gilda and Spaying

22 10:47:51

Hi, do you remember me and Gilda? She's getting along much better with my husband now, she even lets him give her a lil scratch every now and then, and she loves to crawl on him while he's sitting on the sofa. but i have another question:
She has her first vet appointment with me on Tuesday coming up so they can check her all out and i want to talk to them about spaying her, and get her nails clipped. i think she may be older then three months though because she's starting to get just alittle bit aggressive, but almost in a playful way if i get her spayed will she go back to like she was?

And my other question was:
I live in Halifax Nova Scotia, and we take my dog Jade, to Parrots to Ferrets (soon to be Vetopia), and she sees Dr. Benoit and Dr. Shraga, I was just wandering if you have heard any good or bad things about them when it comes to rabbits?

Thanks so much for answering my questions before, i hope you get back to me.

Glad to hear things are getting better with Gilda and your husband.  Usually if a young rabbit starts to get a little aggressive, it could indeed be because they're becoming sexually active.  If this is the cause, she should mellow out after her spay.  It may take a month for the hormones to completely get out of her system.

I'm sorry, I don't know about any of the doctors at that clinic, since I live in the US.  I googled a little bit, and Dr. Benoit and the clinic were recommended at some reptile sites, but I didn't have any luck on the rabbit front.

Continued good fortune with you and your bunny