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mystery of rabbit genital shape

22 10:26:44

When I picked up my rabbit today, I noticed that she had something long and pinkish (almost resembling a common earthworm) come out of what appeared to be her vagina. It appeared that it came out and then retracted back inside, because now I can not see it. This happened once before. She seems to be eating well and her behavior is normal. Any ideas on what this may be? By the way, she is about 4-5 months old and her reproductive area has appeared somewhat swollen and pink lately.

Dear Jennifer,

It may be that your bunny is reaching sexual maturity, and that her vulva is extending beyond her prepuce and is swollen, as it does become in a sexually receptive rabbit.  In a very aroused female rabbit, I've seen a vulva extend nearly half an inch.  If what you see is longer than that, I'd say there's a good chance that your bunny is a male, and you're seeing his penis.

Check the pictures linked here:

to make sure of the sex of your bunny.  If he's male, he can be neutered as soon as his testicles descend.  If female, it's better to wait until age 8 -12 months.

Hope that helps.
