Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > rabbit with dislocated or broken leg

rabbit with dislocated or broken leg

22 10:26:20

I have a doe rabbit who injured his leg possibly broken?
I have been caring for this infant rabbit for a month,and yesterday when he was put into a new larger cage I seen that the front leg is arched up.He will not put any weight on it.I still don't know how he injured himself in the cage.I checked,and the only thing I see is the bottom part of the cage has openings like a grill.Can you please give me some listings on small animal vet care that are experienced in wild life rabbits.
The doe is still eating,but I am highly concerned about the leg and infection.

Dear Julie,

If this is a domestic rabbit, you must get her (a doe is a female) to a good rabbit vet immediately:

She may have caught a claw on a cage wire and wrenched her leg while trying to escape.  But the cause of the accident isn't as important as getting it treated right away.

If this is a wild rabbit, a veterinarian may not want to treat it, since it's illegal for people without special permits to harbor wildlife.  If this is the case, then try to contact a local wildlife rehabilitator who might be able to help you with advice, and possibly getting the rabbit to a vet who works with the rehabber.  You can find a rehabber here:

I hate to say it, but there are some rehabbers who won't bother with an injured rabbit, and might just feed it to a snake or bird of prey.  So be sure you can trust the person you call before turning the rabbit over to him/her.  Be very sure they are going to care for the baby, and not do something unspeakable.

I hope this helps, and that you can get the little one the emergency care he needs so desperately right away.
