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Open hole on rabbits neck

22 11:34:24

I have a 4 yr. old Rex Rabbit that is mainly kept outdoors. About a month ago, I noticed she was licking a small bloody spot on her neck. It developed into a large hole, the size of a dime. It had a membrane in it resembling an "eyeball". I found an article about a paticular type of Fly that attacks cats & rabbits,& lays eggs via their nose/eyes, & borroughs through the sinus into the neck/shoulder area & forms a larvae under the skin (using them as a host).
I lost the info, & I wan't to try to remove this from her neck, but it looks like it has opened, & is drying up.(I havn't seen any larvae in her cage) There is dried membrane showing in the hole now. should I clean it, & pull it out so it can heal?
Do you have any info on this parasite, & how to remove it?
Thank you

Dear Anjilene,

The parasite you are describing is the botfly (usually Cuterebara sp.).  There are many different species, and many different life cycles (not all of them arrive at the skin the way you describe, though some do).  If the larva is still inside the cyst, you should be able to see the breathing siphon moving in and out of the hole occasionally.  However, if the hole is now the size of a dime and healing over, it is not likely that the larva is present any more.   They eventually drop out, pupate, and then hatch out as an adult fly.

The best thing to do is get your bunny to a good rabbit vet so that the vet can determine if there is a maggot in the cyst or not, and whether it can easily be removed.  The vet can advise you about all options.

If the larva is present, then topical application of Revolution (selamectin) may help weaken it (it interferes with the proper working of its nervous system).  The vet can then place a piece of scotch tape over the hole.  The siphon will stick to it when the maggot attempts to surface and breathe, and it will suffocate within a few hours.  With gentle pressure, the maggot can be extracted.

It is extremely important not to break open the body of the maggot.  This can cause a very nasty infection and/or allergic reaction in the bunny, and make the situation much worse.

If the area you describe is a lump or cyst, and the larva appears to be gone, then bun needs to be seen by a good rabbit vet who can determine whether the abscess needs to be surgically excised and/or if rabbit-safe antibiotics would be of use.

The best way to prevent re-infection (really the *only* way) is to keep your bunny inside as a house rabbit.  You can find lots of information on spay/neuter and litterbox training here:

To find a good vet in your area, check the list linked at:

Hope that helps.  Please write back if you have any questions.
