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rabbit not pooping and lethargic

22 9:46:42

Hi! I have a mongrel rabbit of about 4 years old. She just suddenly stopped eating vegetables and would only take in small amounts of pellets. I tried force feeding her with vegetables and she takes in only a few. It's been 5 days since this started and she is gradually eating vegetables again but I'm concerned because she is not as strong as before and she doesn't poop regularly. She has this mushy foul-odoured poop..Also I'm concerned that she might have a contagious disease upon which could infect my other rabbits. I live in the Philippines and as such there aren't really any rabbit savvy vets, so I get my info most out of the internet and relay them to the vet--because once they tried to give them amoxicillin! So please I really need your help. Thank you very much.

Hi Tina,

Tell your vet to test a fecal sample for coccidiosis.  She can also test for E. Coli.  I would print out the following article and take it with you to the vet to let her read:

Other things such as moldy feed can cause mushy poop in adult rabbits.  Normally an adult rabbit has an immune system strong enough to fight off infections but if the rabbit has a weak immune system from another cause they can become susceptible to problems.

Your rabbit really needs to be examined by a vet and the article I forwarded to you should give her all the information she needs.  I understand how difficult it is but hopefully you can work together to fix up your bun.

Good luck
