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Rabbits with fleas

22 11:26:16

I have a French Loped Eared Rabbit that is about 4 months old (16 weeks).  She wieighs about 7.5 pounds.  Sh has a problem with fleas.  She has scrathed behind her ears nearly raw.  My local pet store, were I bought the rabbit, sold me a flea and tick spray.  This spray requires spraying the entire rabbit with the spray and then waiting for her to dry off.  It requires not missing a spot, however it can not be used on the face.  It also is only for controling fleas not the riding of them.  Is their something else I can do?  I also have two cats and a dog.  Idunno if this would matter.  The dog is where she probably got the fleas in the first place.

Thank You

Please do not use this spray anymore, unless the active ingredient is only pyrethrin. Most flea sprays, baths or drops are unsafe for use on rabbits.

Of course, treating the source of the problem, the premises and the dog, will help stop reinfestation.

If she is highly infested and has lots of flea dirt, you can bathe your rabbit in shallow, comfortably warm water (this is no fun, about like bathing a cat) with a little very gentle soap to help rid her of fleas, rinse well, then dry her very well with towels and a blowdryer. You can also use this opportunity to get rid of more fleas with a flea comb as you comb out her coat to dry it.

Your veterinarian should be able to get you Advantage, the only flea treatment I know of besides pure pyrethrin powder that is safe for rabbits. You would use a cat dosage for your rabbit; it is a product that you put on the back of the neck once a month for as long as fleas are a problem. It kills fleas effectively.

Good luck.
