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rabbit hematoma (bleeding sore)

22 11:15:33

My 12 year old male rabbit has developed a bleeding tumour like sore near the site of his previously fractured heel.I was told that the sore was a result of an improperly healed fracture. Antibiotic, antiinflammatories failed to change his condition. Now there appears to be some swelling near the nail beds of his bandaged foot. He is still eating normally but his mobility is a little wobbly. Is there anything I can do?

Dear Debrah,

I would get him to a good rabbit vet ASAP for evaluation, because it sounds as if the foot could be lacking circulation, perhaps because the bandage is too tight.  You should be able to insert a tongue depressor between fur and bandage.  If the toes are swelling, I think the bandage may be too tight!

It's also possible that return blood flow is impeded due to the fracture itself, and the vet should have a look to be sure that edema isn't setting in that will make the problem worse.  (Believe it or not, in human medicine, they're using leeches to reduce this type of swelling!)

For instructions on how to make a good foot bandage that won't bind, and will promote healing, please read:

Hope this helps!
