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Our rabbit ate 1.5 Cookies

22 9:46:50


Our rabbit is usually in a penned area, but is let out daily for supervised playtime.  We had let him out for a bit and had something happen in the kitchen.  While we were away from the table he got up on a chair and ate about 1 1/2 cookies before we came back into the room. (Trader Joe's Soft-Baked Snickerdoodles)

We will be watching for stasis symptoms, but is there anything we need to know about or do right away?  He's a 4-5 pound holland lop.

And, of course, we will be extra vigilant about leaving the room while he's out of his penned area.

Thank you

I'm not sure if any of this information will help, but 2 cookies have 2 grams of fiber and 14 sugars and the ingredients are: sorghum flour, date paste, grape apple and pear juice concentrates, brown pure cane sugar, expeller-pressed vegetable oil (Safflower oil and/or sunflower oil), natural rice dextrin, ground flaxseed, water, xanthum gum baking soda, vanilla, salt,  cinnamon, and rosemary extract.

Dear Stacy,

Naughty bunny!

But don't panic.  While a snack that rich in sugar isn't great for him, it's not likely to cause anything more serious than a passing bout of runny cecotropes.  Please see:

for an explanation of why this happens.

I'm sure he's fine by now, but please write back if you've seen any chronic problems develop after his indulgence.  :)

Take care,
