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Food: Healthy Bunny Diet for a Picky Eater

22 9:52:54

I have tried many different rabbit foods, and it seems that my rabbit is very picky, she will not eat any pellets. What type of food do you recommend so that she will get all the nutrients that she needs?

Dear Katrina,

Picky eating habits can sometimes mean dental problems, so be sure to have her checked by a very experienced rabbit vet, to be sure she doesn't have molar spurs.  Please read:

and find a rabbit vet here:

We use Purina Hi-Fiber Lab Chow #5326, but there are many good pellets on the market now.  Just check the label and make sure there are no additives such as corn kernels, seeds, dried fruit, nuts, etc.  For a complete overview of a healthy, varied rabbit diet, please see:

Hope that helps.
