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rabbit and litter box

22 10:58:33

I asked before about my rabbit pooping on the couch.  Well now i have the litter box in the corner of the couch.  She is now peeing and Pooping in the litterbox and not on the couch.  I was wondering if I could put the litter box on the ground next to the couch so that I dont have to have a box on the couch.  Do you think that she will still go in it or start going on the couch.

Thanks very much in advance you give really great information and help me a lot


Hi Jen,

that is great that she started using the litterbox on the couch, and not the couch itself.  I am sure you are giving her a lot of "Good girl's" when she does that.

I would not move it to the ground.  You have just solved a problem (and saved your couch).  Don't move the box while she is still actively using it (I mean not every second, but every time she comes out to play).

What you can do is not keep the box there when she is in her house/cage.  Just put it on the couch when she is out exercising.

The other thing to do is offer her another litterpan on the ground next to the couch.  Hopefully she will start using both, and may show a preference for the one next to the couch.  You may want to put some enticements down there next to it, like some hay to munch, or clean old cotton towels and tshirts to dig and play in.  

I say this because we have found that over time, our guys needed less and less litterpans and showed it by not always using one or two litterpans anymore.  We just stopped putting them out after awhile because they didn't need them.  The timeframe here is months, so there is patience required on our parts.  

But the best thing to do is give her a second box where you want her to eventually end up, and make it seem nicer to her than the couch, and perhaps over a period of time you will start to see her favor that one more until that's the one she wants to use.

Have a Happy Easter.
