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Rabbit nose!

22 10:58:33

I got a baby rabbit from a friend at a fair and before she gave it to me, her dog got ahold of its nose & made it was ok for a while then today i noticed that she wasnt breathing normal through her nose & i looked at it and there was some kind of wet white stuff in her nose and i tryed to get a better look at it & try to get it out and she wouldnt let me. What can I do?!?!

Dear Amanda,

Please get the baby to a good rabbit vet IMMEDIATELY:

It sounds as if the dog may have broken the skin, and either the rabbit now has an infected bite, or the stress of the potentially deadly encounter caused the baby so much stress that she came down with an upper respiratory infection:

Either way, you need to get this bunny proper medical attention right away, since a condition like this in a very small baby could be life-threatening.

I hope this helps.
