Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > my rabbit is pulling out her hair

my rabbit is pulling out her hair

22 10:53:14

Why is my rabbit pulling out her own hair? Could it be that since I am pregnant and due shortly, she is getting ready to take care of my own human baby as if if were hers?

Dear Andrea,

Aw!  It sounds as if your bunny may be having a "sympathy false pregnancy," perhaps triggered by the chemical cues she's getting from your hormones.  :)  If she's not spayed, this is not all that unusual. But for her health and longevity, she should be spayed.  Please read:

and find a good rabbit vet here:

Unspayed, unbred female rabbits have a very high risk of uterine cancer, so it's best to have her spayed as soon as you can.

Congratulations on the new family arrival.  Looks as if your bunny is anticipating it as much as you are!  ;)
