Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > hi, can you please give me some advises?

hi, can you please give me some advises?

22 11:37:20

I bought a bunny from a pet-store about a month ago so now hes around 4 months old.
Hes always been healthy but all a sudden starting from yesterday evening, he doesnt eat either the pellets, fresh vegetables or even hay and he doesnt drink any water at all.
hes breathing fast and make groaning sounds every now and then, he just lied there without changing a position for hours.
I dont know whats wrong with him and I dont know weather I should take him to a vet or something. And i have completely no idea how i should care for him... can you please email me back as soon as possible?

Thankx in advance!  

  well i think the first thing you should do is take your rabbit to the vets as he could be seriously ill or he could be home sick as some rabbits do get like this.Take your rabbit to the vets and they will tell what is wrong with him.
Is it that you dont know how to take care of him cause he may be ill or is you have no idea about looking after a rabbit?
                    From Natasha