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Cat litter for rabbits?

22 10:58:33

Hello, I just got a rabbit (2 actuall), and I was wondering if you can use regular cat litter for the rabbit's litter box or do you have to use a special kind?
Thanks! -Heather

Dear Heather,

Clay cat litter *can* be used, but it is neither the safest nor the most hygienic choice for your bunny.  You can find an excellent overview of litterbox information here, including a rundown on the best litters to use:

My own preference is pelleted sawdust, such as wood stove pellets, horse bedding, or Feline Pine, available at most major pet store outlets.  It's excellent for absorbing odor and makes good compost!  :)

You can see how to set up the litterbox here:

and find out more about litterbox training here:

For all the best information on caring for your new pals, be sure to visit:

Hope that helps!
