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Baby bunny not hopping

22 10:53:08

My rabbit for the first time had babies more then a month ago. Something was wrong with all of them but one so they died. But our one little is still here. Its been over a month now and he has not hopped properly. He lays on his belly like a turtle would and bounces his belly on the ground and pushes his back legs a little to get where he wants to go. It is very cute right now but Ive been reading and he should be hopping normaly. Is there anything i can do? I will still love  him no matter what but im scared when hes older he will have problems as now i have to wipe the poop off of him and later on in life its going to be like this..?


Hi Sarah,

it sounds like he may have had some type of injury that affects him using his front paws.  I would take him in to a good rabbit vet.  If there's pressure on a nerve center he may be able to be given a steroid shot to reduce swelling and perhaps start getting some mobility.

Another thing to remember is that this is not a life-ending problem.  There are many rabbits that have disabilities that can be over come.

For example, many rabbits that have partial mobility can be given small carts (padded around where they contact the body because of rubbing).  Mostly they are for rabbits that have back leg problems, but they can also be for front leg injuries.  Basically he would rest his front paws on a moveable 'ledge' and would probably need some kind of flexible belly sling that would not be too snug so he could breathe.  the front wheels could be simple castors that would be able to pivot so he could change his directions.  I probably could draw up a small graphic, but I think you get the idea.

Plenty of rabbits get by with these kind of disabilities.  the big difference is that it doesn't bother them or make them depressed.  They live in the moment and just live the way they can.

They may require a little extra care, such as keeping them cleaner back there, but if he can get a cart, he will be able to strengthen his back legs by being able to hop and move, and if he can do that, he will be able to sit up and use the bathroom better.

If you are wiping off his cecal pellets, try to save as much of it as you can for him, as these are the pellets they produce that they eat again (but since he has poor mobility he can't reach down and get them).
