Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > New Born Bunny

New Born Bunny

22 10:53:07

a friend has found a new born bunny and needs some help what can you tell me how can it be taken care of


If it is a wild rabbit then you need to call a wildlife rehabilitator.  To find one in your area please go to this site:

These people are specially trained to deal with wild animals.  They have all the proper feeding instruments and can make sure the animal stays wild and then it is released back to the wild.  It is in the best interest of the rabbit.

In the mean time please read this site about how to care for orphaned rabbits.  It will tell you everything you need to do.  It will also tell you that the chances of survival are only 10%.  That is why it is imperative to get it to a wildlife center.

Good luck and I hope the baby does ok.

