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Bunny Mood Swings

22 10:04:00

One day my bunny is all happy, circling my feet(means play), licking me and having fun. 1-2 days later, I have a small bucket, with treats for him, and 1-2 days later, I wake up and see all the treats thrown on the floor, and everywhere, I see the bucket turned upside down, and his food bowl is also turned upside down. I tell him "no" and he just comes up to me, so that I can pet him. Is he hungry? Because i gave him some food and he didn't want it. If he was scared then he would have thumped at night and I would hear him.
Also another problem is that he doesn't eat regular bunny food, like pellets, alfalfa, or hay. He likes dried oats, and a type of bunny treats, he loves fruit and vegetables. I took him to the vet, and we gave him medicine, but he didn't get back to eating pellets, but other than that, he never liked alfalfa or hay.
Please help
Thanks for any answers

ANSWER: Dear Bunny Luv,

Your bunny is showing the typical rambunctiousness of a "teenager" bunny.  When he's circling you, it's because he's sexually aroused, and the little songs he sings are love songs.  :)  This means he will need to be neutered, especially if he starts to show aggression or sprays urine to mark you--the object of his affection.

Throwing his treats and bowls is his way of playing and trying to get attention.  Rabbits, like humans (and other mammals) can be very emotional and mood swings are a normal part of being happy and alive.  

You don't say how old he is, but picky eating habits can be caused by molar spurs (which can't be cured with medicine).  Please read:

and find an experienced rabbit vet here:

who will know more than to just throw medicine at the problem.  A bunny likes junk food, just as a spoiled kid does, and it's up to you, his "mom" to be sure he gets a balanced diet.  You can read about that here:

Make sure he doesn't get too much in the way of starchy treats.  Rabbits are not rodents, and their intestines are more like that of a horse:  strict herbivore!  So starches will make him have runny/mushy poops, and can predispose him to other health problems.

Hope this helps.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: My bunny is actually 2-3 years old and he has been neutered, we tried medicine but it doesn't work. I'll take your advice. Thank you.

ANSWER: Dear Bunny Luv,

If the medication didn't work, and you do see signs of runny/mushy poop, then please read:

for the various causes and treatments of this common condition.  Molar spurs can be quite common, especially in dwarf rabbits, and this really is a common culprit for picky eating habits.  

It's really adorable that he still circles you, even though he's neutered.  :)  Male bunnies usually stop doing such affectionate things once they have been snipped.  Your bunny must really love you very much.  

Happy new year!  Have a safe and healthy one with your pal.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I read the articile that u have assigned me and its true, my bunny eats, high starch food, such as dried oats, we make a pita type of bread, and he eats that a lot. I wish i could make him eat hay but he wont, he wont even eat pellets. I'll try to lower his dried oats habit and give him greens. When grass starts to grow, he likes to eat the grass too, so I'll try giving him that. Thx so much for your help. Have A Happy New Year too!

Dear Bunny Luv,

Time for tough love!  :)  Start by getting a really high quality pelleted food, as well as really high-quality timothy hay.  Try Timmy Gold hay from American Pet Diner:

It smells so good, you'll want to eat it yourself!  :)  And try the fresh, green herbs, too.  Many rabbits love that as much as starchy treats, and they're a good way to transition him to a healthy diet with a lot less starch.

Weaning him from the junk food won't be fun or easy, but it will be worth it to have him healthy for a long, happy life.

Good luck!