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Buns & Cat

22 10:58:08

My year old spayed cat was afraid of rabbits.  I'm trying to get her to like rabbits by getting her to interact with rabbit kits.  She used to moan and try to run away when I put her in their cage.  When the kits were around 5 weeks I would put one on my cat when she was curled up resting.  She would lick the kit.  It sounded like sand paper when she licked the ears.  The kits are about 10 weeks now.  She would still lick them but also bite them and hold them with her paws.  At that point I would take the bun away. Do you know if that's the way cats play?  I'm afraid she might be too rough on the buns because when she bites my hand when playing it some times hurts.  She doesn't scratch with her claws.  

It's hard to tell if she biting hard because the buns have all that fur and they seem pretty calm about it.  In another month they will be as big as the cat.

Dear Tom,

Be extremely careful if the cat is now capturing the baby rabbits and holding them with her claws and teeth.  Not only could this bad behavior escalate into a tragic accident, but cats' teeth and claws are covered with potentially deadly Pasteurella bacteria.  One tiny scratch or bite to a baby rabbit could result in a fatal systemic infection that can kill in a matter of 12 to 24 hours.

To find tips on how to introduce cats and rabbits, please read:

One key thing is to never expose a rabbit too young to defend itself (e.g., baby rabbit!) to a cat, even to try to get the cat used to the rabbits.  it is just too dangerous for the babies, and if she ever finds out she can kill one, there will be no going back.

I hope this helps.
