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About Rabbit False Pregnancy

22 9:50:18

Hello.  I have female rabbit. She spayed She had on October false pregnancy and now she has the same problem  Can rabbit has twice in year false pregnancy?  How many times rabbit in a year can have false pregnancy?  Could you please tell me what cream I should use if she has scratch and pulling hair from her dewlap?  Thank you.

Dear Inna,

Are you sure she's pulling fur because of a false pregnancy?  If so, there may be ovarian and/or uterine tissue left, which could be problematic.  Please consult an experienced rabbit vet:

who can advise you about further testing.

Another possibility is that she has molar problems making her drool onto her dewlap, causing her to chew at it because of the burned skin.  Please see:


for more information.  But best to have her checked by an experienced rabbit vet.

Hope this helps.
